Daniel and Manton talk more about new iPads and iPhones, the recent corporate shakeup at Apple, and Manton’s recent switch away from PayPal.
Download (MP3, 32 minutes, 15 MB)
Links for this show:
- Another Billion Dollars – Horace Dediu of Asymco on Apple’s weekend of iPad sales.
- Identical Cousins 5 – Podcast from Brent and Michael Simmons discussing executive changes at Apple.
- Apple, Attentions & Competition – Om Malik on Forstall: “Steve’s guy, not Steve Jobs.”
- Stripe – Payment processing service with developer-friendly features.
- I ♥ Stripe – Dan Wood of Karelia on switching to Stripe.
- Ross Boucher – Early employee of Stripe and a co-founder of 280 North.
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