Manton buys a Drobo, Daniel buys a MacBook Pro. They discuss the merit of investing in tools and equipment, Apple’s recent environmental emphases, and Manton’s Sunlit pricing strategy.
Download (MP3, 46 minutes, 22 MB)
- Good as New – Apple’s refurbished hardware store.
- Dropbox Pricing – The cost of ubiquitous, convenient storage.
- Apple’s Green Dig – Apple’s full-page ad flaunting its environmentally friendly policies.
- Apple Hydroelectic – Apple’s own Prineville, Oregon electric station.
- Release Notes #41 – Charles Perry & Joe Cieplinski interview Manton Reece.
- Sunlit – Manton’s creatively priced iOS photo storytelling app.
- Core Int T-Shirt – Our t-shirt campaign enters its second week.
- Hypercritical – John Siracusa’s blog.
- Accidental Tech Podcast – Featuring John Siracusa, Casey Liss, and Marco Arment.
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