Google I/O Keynote, wearables, Material Design, and conference admissions policies.
Download (MP3, 48 minutes, 23 MB)
- Google I/O 2014 – Official page for the Google developer conference.
- 17 Important Things – The Verge’s round-up of the announcements in Google’s keynote.
- Android Wear – Google’s new standard for watches and other wearable computers.
- Material Design – Google’s new visual and UX guidelines.
- Multiplane – Manton’s 2013 comparison of iOS 7 to Disney’s multiplane camera.
- Polymer – Google’s open source web application framework.
- Boston Dynamics – Robotics company whose acquisition by Google probably inspired one protestor during the keynote.
- XOXO 2014 – Portland, OR arts and technology conference.
- Kickstarter Rules – Not a free-for-all, but perhaps less stringent than they used to be.
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