Daniel and Manton talk about Brent Simmons’s new job at the Omni Group, weigh the risks and rewards being indie vs. taking a full-time job, and despair about Apple’s current App Store review delays.
Download (MP3, 45 minutes, 21 MB)
- Brent Goes to Omni – Blog post from Brent Simmons about his new job.
- The Omni Group – The well-loved Seattle-based software company.
- Tweet Library – Manton’s iOS based Twitter client.
- Upload and Instantly Publish – Google’s review-free app publishing process.
- Upgrade Podcast – Jason Snell’s new podcast on the Relay FM network.
- A Form Factor Worth Keeping – Daniel’s blog post about the iPhone 5’s suitability for sporting activities.
- Day Phone / Night Phone – Manton’s quip about needing a smaller phone for leaving the house.
- Thoughts on the iPhone 6 Plus – Conrad Stoll mentions switching Twitter apps because of screen size support.
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