Daniel and Manton talk about Apple’s big event next week, the implications of holding it at a larger venue, what’s happening with the brand-new Apple campus, and the implications of Apple’s rumored payment solution on upstarts like Coin.
Download (MP3, 39 minutes, 19 MB)
- Wish we could say more – Apple’s special event will be held on September 9, 2014.
- Previous events at Flint Center – Jim Dalrymple on the relative infrequency of Apple events at the larger venue.
- Building 3D with Ikea – Article about the heavy use of computer graphics in Ikea product marketing.
- iPhone Wallet – Scoop from Bloomberg about a planned payment service for iPhone.
- Hang on to your hats… – Jim Dalrymple feeds the rumor frenzy excitement around Apple’s special event.
- The Iced-Coffee Economy – Insight from Grubstreet.com about the cost factors of iced coffee.
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