
Two Core Intuition sponsorship spots are available for each show.




  • Your marketing pitch for a product or service will be read on-air
  • We will discuss the benefits of your product conversationally
  • Your graphic ad and marketing statement will appear on this site

Is It Worth It?

The unique focus of our show on the business, technology and culture of developing for Apple’s platforms has earned us a passionate, well-connected, and growing audience over the 11 years since our debut.

We do not make an art of estimating traffic or listenership numbers. It’s probably better to focus on the quality of our audience rather than its size.

Or, just sponsor us because you love the show.


We record and release episodes on a weekly schedule. We can’t strictly guarantee the dates of sponsorships, because we may take a week off, but the estimates are usually accurate. Let us know if you have a specific reason for a date to be met, and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate you.

We book at most two sponsors per show.

I’m Sold. What Now?

Please contact us directly to get the ball rolling. In your email, indicate the nature of the product or service that you would like us to promote, how many episodes you’d like to sponsor, and any scheduling priorities you’d like to meet.

Thank you for supporting Core Intuition.

June 5, 2012 at 4:27 pm.