Episode 104: Somebody Got Away With The Credit Card

Daniel and Manton talk about Apple’s upcoming event on September 10th, the Nokia acquisition and changes at Microsoft, and what we can learn from Stellar’s new paid subscription plans.

Download (MP3, 37 minutes, 17 MB)

Sponsored by CocoaConf: the conference for iPhone, iPad & Mac developers. Coming to a city near you.

September 7, 2013 at 1:18 pm.

Episode 101: My Delegate To The GitHub Convention

Daniel and Manton talk about the final days of Manton’s road trip, Carl Icahn and Apple stock, and what Beanstalk dropping Mercurial means for the future of version control.

Download (MP3, 32 minutes, 15 MB)


Sponsored by Crashlytics: The most powerful and lightweight crash reporting service.

August 16, 2013 at 10:35 am.

Episode 100: How Is This Working?

Manton and Daniel talk about Manton’s ongoing adventure, AMBER and other mobile emergency alerts, and making the most of Apple documentation.

Download (MP3, 36 minutes, 17 MB)


Sponsored by Windows Azure: a scalable and secure backend for your iOS app.

August 8, 2013 at 9:37 am.

Episode 99: Okay, I’ll Stay

Daniel and Manton talk about the return of ADC, Manton’s epic road trip, the death of upgrade pricing, and the death of Bento.

Download (MP3, 34 minutes, 16 MB)

Sponsored by Crashlytics: The most powerful and lightweight crash reporting service.

July 31, 2013 at 3:58 pm.

Episode 95: Something That No One Else Has

Daniel and Manton talk about Daniel’s approach for the text editor app market, catch up on the latest in RSS syncing, and take 3 questions about iOS 7 development.

Download (MP3, 37 minutes, 18 MB)

  • Minimalist Text Editor? – Daniel’s Tweet asking for text editor opinions.
  • Byword – A popular minimalist text editor.
  • iA Writer – Another popular editing app.
  • Elements – And another, from Justin Williams.
  • NetNewsWire 4 Beta – Preview release of the popular Mac RSS reader.
  • Reeder – Another popular Mac and iOS RSS reader.
  • Feed Wrangler – A web-based RSS reader that also has an iOS client and a Mac client on the way.
  • Feedbin – Another web-based RSS reader.
  • Feedly – And another!
  • Mr. Reader – An RSS reader for iPad with a large variety of syncing options.
  • ReadKit – Mac RSS reader with custom support for many “read later” type services.
  • All Or Nothing – Marco Arment’s judgment of Black Pixel’s presumed choice to build their own sync solution.

Sponsored by Crashlytics: The most powerful and lightweight crash reporting service.

July 4, 2013 at 10:31 am.

Episode 93: Someone Had A Bet With Tim Cook

Daniel and Manton talk about surviving WWDC without a ticket, reflect on App.net’s progress, discuss the merits of early compatibility fixes, and consider Apple’s public shaming of Scott Forstall.

Download (MP3, 40 minutes, 19 MB)

Sponsored by Crashlytics: The most powerful and lightweight crash reporting service.

June 21, 2013 at 7:11 am.

Episode 69: Hobbling Like An Energizer Bunny

Daniel and Manton discuss working while sick, how not to change a light bulb, Twitter photo filters, Flickr, and a question about organizing shared code.

Download (MP3, 39 minutes, 19 MB)

Sponsored by NUCLiOS: Tools for Native iOS Applications that Will Thrill You to the Core

December 13, 2012 at 2:05 pm.

Episode 62: Just Having A Safety Valve

Daniel and Manton anticipate Apple’s now-released product updates and discuss coping with the unpredictability of web service APIs.

Download (MP3, 35 minutes, 17 MB)

Links for this show:

  • Apple Special Event – Apple announces iPad Mini, retina 13-inch MacBook Pro, and new iMacs and Mac minis.
  • Tweetbot for Mac – Mac Twitter client with a price reflecting Twitter’s new token policy.
  • WordPress – The popular open-source blogging platform.
  • Movable Type – The somewhat less popular blogging platform that went open-source later.

Sponsored by Politepix RapidEars: live, realtime speech recognition for your app — no waiting for a pause, no network connection needed.

October 25, 2012 at 8:39 am.

Episode 52: The Potential For More Confusion

Manton and Daniel discuss App Store review times, sandbox containers, sense of place for files, and their new Flickr OAuth homework.

Download (MP3, 30 minutes, 14.8 MB)

  • Hazel – Automated file-maintenance utility from Noodlesoft.
  • The Talk Show Episode #8 – Merlin Mann discusses the lost “sense of place” for files at 1:02:40.
  • Farewell FlickrAuth – The somewhat obscure announcement that FlickrAuth will be shut down in favor of OAuth.

Sponsored by PhLayer: Essential workflow optimization for designers and developers.

August 8, 2012 at 7:31 am.

Episode 48: Hopefully You Get Some Press

Manton and Daniel talk about updating for the retina MacBook Pro, Lion APIs, PayPal subscriptions, and the App Store’s Japanese tax withholding.

Download (MP3, 35 minutes, 15.2 MB)

Links for this show:

Sponsored by Glassboard: Know who you’re sharing with.

July 11, 2012 at 10:25 am.