Episode 249: Little Phrases And Taglines

Manton and Daniel discuss announcements from the Apple iPhone 7 event, including the new hardware and anticipated Mario runner game from Nintendo. They also talk about the lack of wisdom in Daniel’s annual iPhone buying plan, the removal of the headphone from the iPhone 7, and Apple’s recent promise to start clearing out crufty apps from the App Store.

Many thanks to our sponsors this week:


September 8, 2016 at 12:01 am.

Episode 248: We’ve Had A Strange Summer

Daniel and Manton react to the European Union’s €13B retroactive tax demand to Apple, talk about the impact of tax laws on indies and small companies, and weigh in on Apple’s purported AI and machine learning triumphs. Finally they catch up on their ambitions to be more productive as the busy summer transitions to fall.

Many thanks to our sponsors this week:

  • Zendesk: Bring native, in-app support to your app.
  • Fabric, Twitter’s mobile SDK: Leverage the power of Crashlytics, Twitter and MoPub to help you build the best mobile apps.


August 31, 2016 at 11:12 pm.

Episode 247: Maybe There Is Hope

Manton and Daniel talk about so-called lifestyle businesses, and how they afford both unlimited and always-limited vacations. They also talk about the merit of unlimited or mandatory vacation in workplaces, and go on a deep dive about the challenge of making a living as an indie software developer.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


August 26, 2016 at 10:22 am.

Episode 246: The World’s Shortest Infomercial

Daniel and Manton look towards the end of summer as they continue to discuss the challenge of balancing summer family time, vacations, and work commitments. They appreciate Apple’s becoming a well-oiled machine for beta releases, and speculate about the possibility of new Mac hardware to coincide with Sierra. Finally, they touch base with Manton’s Kickstarter progress, and talk about the value of setting up a VPN or “Back to my Mac” configuration for accessing home computers while traveling.

Many thanks to our sponsors this week:

  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You.
  • Hired: The world’s most intelligent talent matching platform.


  • Apple Beta Program – Apple’s beta releases are running like clockwork.
  • The New Glif – Example of a Kickstarter page from repeat successes Studio Neat.
  • OS X Server – Soon to be macOS Server: a bag of many tricks for home servers.
  • Arq – Cloud-platform-agnostic backup app for macOS.
August 17, 2016 at 8:38 pm.

Episode 245: Flying On Faith And Hope

Manton and Daniel talk briefly about Xcode 8 Extensions, and reflect on the fragility of poorly designed plugin systems. They talk about vacationing as an indie developer, and share tricks for coping with the overwhelming aspects of a large software project. Finally, they come to term with financial realities and the value of using a spreadsheet to account for cash flow.

Many thanks to our sponsors this week:

  • Bugsee: Free crash and bug reporting for iOS, with synchronized video, network and logs.
  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You.


  • Xcode 8 Extensions – WWDC 2016 video from Apple on Xcode 8’s extensibility.
  • NSCoding – Protocol reference for Apple’s traditional object serialization strategy.
  • Under the Radar #39 – David Smith and Marco Arment talk about the merits of using autolayout inside and out of Interface Builder.
  • @macdevnet – Twitter account of Steve Scott (Scotty) of NSConference fame.
  • Alykhan Jetha – Çingleton 2011 – Our friend AJ’s talk from the first Çingleton conference.
  • The Magic Spreadsheet – Episode of Release Notes featuring Charles Perry’s endorsement of spreadsheet accounting.
  • Baremetrics – A financial analysis service that Manton uses.
August 11, 2016 at 10:01 pm.

Episode 244: You Didn’t Do Nothing

Daniel gets verified on Twitter, and has mixed feelings. Manton thinks out loud about quality filtering for content-based services. The two discuss Erik Person’s response to Marco’s “10 year challenge”, and the commitment it takes to go from nothing to successful as an indie.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


August 4, 2016 at 5:14 pm.

Episode 243: Dark Days of Development

Daniel and Manton talk about the struggle of tackling the last issues remaining in a project, which are often the ones you’ve put off the longest. They discuss tricks for gamifying productivity progress, and other time management hacks. They reflect on Swift 3 reaching a milestone of preserving source compatibility, and discuss the costs and benefits of sticking with Objective-C vs. moving forward with Swift.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

Core Intuition Jobs: Connecting Cocoa developers with their next dream job.


July 30, 2016 at 5:30 pm.

Episode 242: Manton’s Out

Manton reacts to negatively to the Swift 3 decision to disallows subclassing by default, while Daniel tries to see the bright side. The two discuss Twitter’s new invitation to apply for @verified status, and Daniel’s attempt to do so. And they quickly touch base on the upcoming Apple-sponsored reality show, “Planet of the Apps.”

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You.


  • Not Subclassable by Default – Michael Tsai’s round-up of links and commentary about the Swift 3 decision.
  • I’m Out – Manton’s quip about the Swift 3 decision, playing on a Shark Tank reference.
  • Time Will Tell – Casey Liss suggests that Manton (and Daniel, and others) are clinging to the past.
  • Only 2 fixes – One of Manton’s very early (2009) pessimistic posts on the App Store.
  • Twitter Verification – Public-facing application for the coveted blue checkmark.
  • Aren’t Good Enough – Federico Viticci shares disappointment about his @verified status denial.
  • Planet of the Apps – Home page for the Apple-funded reality series about app development.
  • Mama Needs that Pokémon – Episode of Accidental Tech Podcast covering Planet of the Apps.
July 21, 2016 at 2:18 pm.

Episode 241: Outlasting Everybody Else

Manton and Daniel talk about Pokémon Go and the apparent salvation of Nintendo, appreciate the value of longevity in a brand, and discuss Manton’s soft announcement of Snippets.today. They chat about the challenges of smoothing over first-launch or first-introduction problems with new products and services, and give props to Matt Mullenweg as an empowered defender of the open web.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You.


July 14, 2016 at 1:38 pm.

Episode 240: Very Simple Basic Rewards

Manton’s home from camping, Daniel’s still in Oxford. They talk about the merits of taking a break from coding, catch up on Manton’s Kickstarter project status, and consider the value of genuineness in marketing. They continue to compare notes on the latest beta releases, and respectfully disagree about Apple’s decision to limit Siri integration with intents.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


  • Balmorhea State Park – Where Manton went camping. Beautiful spring-fed pool built by the CCC.
  • Alpine – Small college down in the mountains of west Texas with everything you need as an indie developer: nice coffee shop, bookstores, Mexican restaurants, and a brewery.
  • Kickstarter – Crowd-funding site on which Manton’s upcoming project will be promoted.
  • SiriKit – Documentation from Apple about the new Siri API.
July 7, 2016 at 10:49 am.