Extra Intuition 8: Maintenance Is Important

Manton and Daniel talk about Manton’s recent home repairs, and the virtues of fixing up your home BEFORE you sell or move out.

This episode is available exclusively to members. Become a member today to gain access to this and other cool stuff!

August 16, 2020 at 9:47 am.

Episode 431: This Is A Snowball

Daniel and Manton talk about Apple’s latest developer PR quagmire: the removal of Fortnite from the App Store, and Epic’s subsequent lawsuits against both Apple and Google.


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August 14, 2020 at 4:02 pm.

Extra Intuition 7: Finding Distractions

Daniel and Manton talk about Daniel’s recent sudoku obsession.

This episode is available exclusively to members. Become a member today to gain access to this and other cool stuff!


August 8, 2020 at 10:36 am.

Episode 430: A Little Bit Of Controversy

Manton and Daniel talk about Sunlit 3, and Manton’s decision to make it open source. They discuss the pros and cons of managing an open source project. Daniel talks about his efforts to convert his iOS app Swish from OpenGL to Metal, so it can run with Catalyst. Finally, they talk about Charlie Monroe’s developer credentials being disabled by Apple “erroneously.”

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • PDFpen: Edit PDFs with Ease!


  • Sunlit 3 Beta – Manton’s announcement of the forthcoming 3.0 version of the Micro.blog photo-blogging app.
  • Sunlit on GitHub – Source code for the iOS application.
  • WordPress for iOS – Open source repository for the iOS app by WordPress.org contributors.
  • Hello Everyone – Charlie Monroe’s tweet announcing the disabling of his developer account.
  • A Day Without Business – Charlie Monroe’s follow-up blog post.

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at 10:27 am.

Episode 429: You Have Shipped It

Daniel ships MarsEdit 4.4, and talks with Manton about taking stock of bugs and examining the anxiety around shipping updates. They look forward to MarsEdit 5, Black Ink for iOS, and the potential business models Daniel might adopt. They talk about learning to disregard unhelpful criticism, and prioritizing survival as an indie over trying to please everybody.


  • MarsEdit 4.4.2 – Daniel’s updated Mac blog editing app with enhanced Micro.blog support.
  • Bug Bytes: Daniel Jalkut – Daniel’s feature in the Mac App Store for a FastScripts bug.
  • Tot – Menu-bar based note taking app for Mac from the Iconfactory.
  • Tim Cook Goes to Congress – YouTube video of the long Congressional hearing including testimony by Tim Cook.
  • Sunlit 3.0 Beta – Manton announces the updated version of the app along with open sourcing it.

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July 31, 2020 at 7:33 am.

Episode 428: Nope, Nope, Nope

Manton and Daniel talk about Twitter’s massive security breach, and scrutinize CEO Jack Dorsey’s public image in the wake of it. Daniel wonders whether Twitter’s idealistic employees could be more empowered by another leader, while Manton points out that in any case they are not. Finally, they catch each other up with progress reports on MarsEdit and Micro.blog feature enhancements.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • MacStadium: Private clouds on Mac hardware. Use promo code coreint for 50% off your first two months.


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July 18, 2020 at 2:43 pm.

Episode 427: Probably A Mistake

Daniel and Manton talk about Apple’s Developer Transition Kit… without really talking about it. They weigh the possibility of apps breaking on ARM-based Macs even if frameworks aren’t technically removed. Manton shares his renewed enthusiasm about developing for Big Sur, and Daniel tries to get back on track with releasing MarsEdit 4.4.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • TextExpander: Communicate Smarter. Get 20% off your first year as a Core Intuition listener.


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July 4, 2020 at 10:03 am.

Episode 426: Sticking With The Mac

Manton and Daniel review some of their biggest takeaways from WWDC. They balance the excitement of all the attention on the Mac while coping with some of the old-timer concern about how things are changing. They discuss the ARM transition and how some developers will have an easier or harder time with the move. Finally they assess the quality of WWDC 2020’s online format, and what it might mean for WWDC going forward.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You. Use promo code coreint2020 for $20 credit when you sign up.


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June 25, 2020 at 2:32 pm.

Episode 425: Expect More And Demand More

On the brink of WWDC, Daniel and Manton take stock of various issues shining a light on Apple’s App Store review and in-app purchase policies. They talk about Basecamp’s new Hey email service and the high-profile rejection of its iOS app. They imagine the internal strife that must exist between departments at Apple, and speculate about a unifying core value for the company that could clarify their position on these and similar issues in the future.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You. Use promo code coreint2020 for $20 credit when you sign up.


  • Hey.com – New email service from the makers of Basecamp.
  • Basecamp – Popular project managent software.
  • Where Apple Went Wrong – Manton’s 2011 blog post asking that Apple “give developers an out” from 30% cut.
  • Shakedown Tactics – Hey.com’s page summarizing @dhh’s tweets and response in the press.
  • Cold, Unempathetic Response – Daniel’s tweet rant in response to Hey.com rejection.
  • Everything in it is Backwards – Manton’s blog post responding to Apple’s statement about the EU antitrust case.
  • Actual Mistake – Article in Protocol citing Apple’s statement that Hey “shouldn’t have been approved in the first place.”
  • Full Stream Ahead – Updated WWDC page with schedule and more details about sessions and consultations.
  • New Developer Forums – Updated with some new features including upvoting and reputation points.
  • Safari Technology Preview – Example of Apple software that is updated out of band with annual OS releases.

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June 18, 2020 at 6:04 pm.

Episode 424: The Worst Transition

Manton and Daniel start to anticipate WWDC announcements, imagine the rumored ARM Macs, and think about opportunities to gain a competitive advantage by embracing whatever is new. They talk about the possible challenges of migrating to ARM as a developer, and what Apple might do to accommodate us. They also chat about other expectations for WWDC including updated developer tools, revisions to SwiftUI and Catalyst, and how Apple’s changes to those frameworks should project their priorities moving forward with the Mac.

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • Linode: Cloud Hosting for You. Use promo code coreint2020 for $20 credit when you sign up.


  • Three Years Ago – Jean MacDonald remembers the first Micro.blog meetup in 2017.
  • AIM Alliance – The Apple, IBM, Motorola alliance formed to developer PowerPC technologies.
  • Wait for ARM – John Gruber on the Mac ARM transition rumors.
  • Bitcode – LLVM documentation on the Bitcode format that accommodates some post-compilation targeting of CPU for code.

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June 12, 2020 at 10:37 am.