Episode 549: A Crazy, Wild Place

Daniel and Manton talk about Manton’s impressions of the new Bluesky network. They reflect on the lack of evolution in microblogging over ten years, as WordPress focused on “macroblogging” features like Gutenberg Blocks, and how WordPress.com’s marketing compares with other sites that emphasize blogging. Finally, they talk about Nostr and the loaded nature of “anti-censorship” platforms.

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Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


March 10, 2023 at 7:47 pm.

Episode 547: An Unprincipled Decision

Manton and Daniel talk about the fallout from Austin’s ice storm and preparing rationally for unexpected emergencies. Manton gives an update on Micro.blog enabling Mastodon support for more users, the impending Twitter API shutdown, and whether Manton should pay Twitter to postpone an inevitable removal of Twitter integration from Micro.blog.

Download Audio (MP3, 55 minutes)

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


February 11, 2023 at 12:42 am.

Episode 545: Lawful Evil

Daniel quits Twitter! Manton and Daniel talk about how everybody has a “last straw” when they quit Twitter. They compare Manton’s frustrations with Twitter 10 years ago and the new problems with Elon Musk’s Twitter. Is Mastodon a viable alternative to Twitter, and how is Facebook evil different than Twitter evil? Then they think about what kind of leader would have to come in to potentially save Twitter in the way that Steve Jobs came back to Apple.

Download Audio (MP3, 49 minutes)


January 22, 2023 at 8:18 pm.

Episode 543: A Meandering Path

For the first show of the new year, Daniel and Manton talk about themes vs. resolutions, follow up bug fix updates to the MarsEdit 5 release, and book goals in Micro.blog. They reflect on the virtue of making things rather than merely consuming them, and Daniel’s lack of an enthusiastic desire to work on “just one app”. What is the likelihood of MarsEdit becoming “the thing”?

Download Audio (MP3, 32 minutes)


January 7, 2023 at 5:17 pm.

Episode 541: No Whammies, Big Money

Daniel and Manton talk about Micro.blog trying to get more serious about marketing. How do we actually measure the success of advertising campaigns, and should we aim to attract more “influencers” to our products? Manton tries to be conscious of wrapping up high-pressure work in time to take it easy for the holidays. Finally, Daniel gives an update on his continuing efforts to get MarsEdit 5 approved in the Mac App Store.

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Many thanks to our sponsor this week:

  • RevenueCat: In-app subscriptions made easy. Also check out the Sub Club Podcast!


December 16, 2022 at 2:59 am.

Episode 539: Frustrated On Your Behalf

Manton and Daniel talk about payments from the Small App Developer settlement against Apple. Why does Manton refuse to accept free money, and are there valid reasons to opt out of the settlement? Then they reflect on the wave of opportunity from Twitter’s drastic downfall, and whether Manton and Daniel can “catch it”. Finally, Manton remembers the IndieWeb principles about plurality and monoculture, and they discuss how that might relate to Mastodon.

Download Audio (MP3, 53 minutes)

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


  • Small App Developer settlement — Web site for class action lawsuit against Apple.
  • Mastodon — Open source social network that has gotten very popular.
  • Micro.blog — Manton’s smaller social network that is also getting new attention.
  • IndieWeb principles — Key principles of the IndieWeb such as software plurality.
  • Ivory for Mastodon — Announcement from Tapbots about their new app.
  • ATP 511 — Recent podcast discussion about federation and Mastodon instances.
  • ActivityPub — Web protocol used by Mastodon and Micro.blog.
  • Bluesky — Another upcoming distributed social protocol.
  • MarsEdit 5 beta — Daniel’s blog post announcing the public beta.

December 2, 2022 at 9:14 pm.

Episode 537: With Public Squares Like These

Manton returns from the road while Twitter continues going off the rails. What is the company’s viability as they bewilder users and advertisers, and how much should Manton react to the opportunities that might exist? Daniel and Manton discuss Twitter, whether Jack Dorsey stands to gain even if Twitter fails, and the nihilistic tendencies of certain leaders. Finally, Manton checks in with Daniel on progress toward MarsEdit 5.

Download Audio (MP3, 35 minutes)

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


November 17, 2022 at 10:22 pm.

Episode 535: A Modest Hellscape

Daniel and Manton talk about everything Twitter. Elon Musk officially taking over the company, Manton’s 10-year anniversary of not posting to twitter.com/manton, Twitter’s open source Bluesky initiate and the AT Protocol, social media network effects, and how Twitter may or may not change in the coming months.

Download Audio (MP3, 36 minutes)

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


October 28, 2022 at 1:50 pm.

Episode 533: A Moment Of Insight

Daniel and Manton review Manton’s latest progress with the Indie Microblogging book. They talk about the need to get into a groove when working on a long-running project, and not to promise too much when setting goals for yourself or others. Finally, Daniel shares plans for a new “micro posting” UI for MarsEdit.

Download Audio (MP3, 37 minutes)

Many thanks to our sponsor this week:


October 13, 2022 at 9:40 pm.

Extra Intuition 13: Make All The Mistakes

Daniel and Manton talk about road trips. Daniel re-visits a beloved pizza place and Manton plans for fall travel.

This episode is available exclusively to members. Become a member today to gain access to this and other cool stuff!

October 10, 2022 at 7:26 pm.